Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 16, 2014

Hello everyone!
This week was so long I do not even know where to start. It was full
 of good things! I like some thing my brother Michael sent me, "There
 are no such things as bad days-just bad moments. You will never have a
bad day."I like that a lot. This week was full of a lot of good days.

My friends are doing well. I feel so blessed to be in Japan and to
know them. I have often wondered why someone like me-with no
connections to Japan and no understanding or immediate interest in the
 culture-would be called here. Now I am, finding that the culture has
been a part of me for a long time. And, the thought of never having
come here to meet my friends makes me so sad. I had to give up a lot
to come here. But my friends are worth it. I feel so blessed to have
seen so many miracles.

I find that, when our attitudes are faith centered, God gives us the
opportunities to see miracles. If we do not want to see them or
believe we will not, we won't.

This week we did a family history fair. Ancestors and family are
absolutely important, and it was great to be able to tell people about
 it. That is one thing no one can deny-how important families are. That
is why God gave them to us.

Oh, adventures. Studied with my friends, am glad I can see God in
their lives,went to a garden, passed out family history fliers, gave
tours explaining family history and temples, ate cold pizza, sang at a
fireside (in a VERY large group of missionaries. "I love to see the
Temple"),went on splits with a great missionary, climbed a huge hill,
and met great new people.

Wish I has more time. But I am so grateful to be here as a missionary.
Yes, sometimes times are hard, but I have absolute confidence and
testimony that God does not leave us a lone. He is with us. Because He
 loves us.

Hope you are all doing well! Would love to hear from you.
This Gospel is true. We choose what we do with our lives. And when we
choose to do right, we will see and feel the difference. And this
church is the rightest thing out here.
If i can do anything to help anyone, please let me know.


 Garden Walk

Family History Fair

Nov 2014

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