Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Estimated Mission Call Arrival: 17 days

Want to know what I am doing with my life?

You see, I want to be a missionary.
Getting there is tough.
I want to be the best missionary I can be. Not the best one out there, because we that is unreasonable and improbable. Everyone will be a different missionary. Waking up at certain times is hard, and focusing all your attention on serving other is not as easy as it sounds. And learning how to teach isn't too easy.

 Doctrine and Covenants 64: 33-35
http://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/64.34-35?lang=eng  (Scriptures online are AWESOME. Geeking out.)

God asks for a willing heart and mind. That is for always. When you choose to serve a mission, you must realize there are essentially 16 hour days of serving, and reading, and teaching. All your attention is to be focused for those 18 months on that. No television, movies, or dating. No obnoxious music, dancing, or fun reading.
Remember I said I wanted to be the best missionary I can be?


This is entirely MY choice. I am not saying I don't want to devote myself. But I am not saying it requires no effort. What I am saying it'll be worth it in the end.
And I wanted to get started early, so by the time I am out there I have broken all addcitions. One at a time.

I quit T.V. yesterday.
*Gasp and fall over dramatically*
((Slow chords playing))

If you know me, that is tough. I freak out (Sherlock, Psych, and Doctor Who are my top three. And I will re-watch episodes) 'bout shows. I want to know how the guy Sherlock...well...watch the last episode of Season 2. And talk to me when you're don- wait, No! Don't! DON'T talk to me about it!) But I feel like I need to quit simply because I freak out so much about it. Does that make sense?
I won't break the rules out there (I have already decided that), but I don't want my mind to be elsewhere.
For example, I don't want to be telling people about the Most Important Thing in the World to me  while on my mission and suddenly start thinking about television shows and wishing I was watching the Psych Musical.

It's funny how the things that matter least seem to take up most of our time.
T.V. doesn't matter much, but I spend a lot of time on it.
That's why it's gots to go.

So if you see me, tell me to be strong. Tell me to read scriptures and get refocused. And make sure I don't quench my want by watching clips on Youtube (my next addiction to go)

When I come back, I will probably start television again, but hopefully with more balance. And a more realistic perspective.

Wish me Luck.

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