Sunday, September 7, 2014

This was a post Sister Molen posted this last weekend:

It has been a little rainy lately here in Fussa. Last night, we got soaked! That keeps happening.
But, it reminded me: In life, we don't always get to choose our storms. I know that I am fortunate, because some other people's storms have been bigger than mine. But when we stand in the middle of storms, they feel big.
I am grateful to know that, even though I might not pick my storms, I can pick my reactions to them. And, for me, it is through Jesus Christ, my Savior and friend, that I can make it through the storms- big and small. And, not just endure them, but to dance in them!
Because, just because it is raining, doesn't mean we can't be happy.
Let's choose to be happy today!

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